Tips For Creating An Immersive Story Read Count : 131

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Adventure
1. Protagonist
     A.  Add relatability.  I usually do this by simply basing the protagonist's personality largely off of my own personality, despite the gender or other such variations in identity classification.
      B. Create depth of personality.  Obviously no one wants to read about a lifeless character.
      C.  Don't let the protagonist be right every time.  Make sure that supporting characters do their job!

2. It's not all about the plot.  It's about the world you create, or the world that you open up for the experiencee to explore and add to within the realm of their imagination.  Star-Wars and Star -Trek rose to fame mostly because of this property.
     A. Hugeness is key.  Create new religions, pop-culture, ways of life, and especially exotic cuisines.
     B. Explore the world of your book.  Treat it less like a story and more like a free-roam videogame.

3. Research everything! 
      A.  If you're writing an action story but you know little about guns, do as much research as you can stomach.
      B.  Look up parkour moves on Wikipedia or some other website.  If you are dealing with super heroes or hyper agile characters, knowing the moves can greatly increase the badassery of a fight scene. 

4. Let it flow.
     A.  Let your present mood affect the way you write.  If you're feeling down, let your emotions flow onto the page.  If you're feeling sadistic or psychopathic...

Don't write for a couple days.
     B.  Never ever censor yourself when writing.  If you cuss like a sailor in real life, put it in your books.  If you got a dirty-ass mind, put it in your books.  Violence and gore is the same way, don't be afraid to make people uncomfortable.  (Some) People like being disturbed.  That's why horror and slasher media is so popular.  Also, my opinion is that real life is never censored, so the more all out you go, the more realistic your writing will be.

5. Always maintain a steady intake of professional literature.  You'll learn more good grammar and vocabulary from the legends than from school.

Hope this is enlightening for some.


  • May 28, 2018

  • ?huh

    May 28, 2018

  • May 29, 2018

  • Oct 29, 2018

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