You And Your Dirty Little Games Read Count : 113

Category : Diary/Journal

Sub Category : N/A
"I love her," poured out of your mouth so meaninglessly. No enthusiasm, no love was expressed. Then why say those three words if you don't actually mean them? Are you trying to see the way I would respond? It's disappointing to see you being with someone you don't love just because you think being with her is the right thing there is to do! You're with her but you don't love her! You talk about her but there's no emotion there. There's no love. It's like you're talking about her on purpose. You're playing a game that I still don't understand. Hopefully your little game ends quickly before you make things worse then it is already. If you think that what you're doing will make me jealous then you're sadly mistaken. You saying you love her doesn't mean Jack shit to me. I know you saying those words mean nothing to you, but know that at the end I still forgive you for playing your little dirty games.


  • May 28, 2018

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