If I Die... You’ll Suffer Chapter 2 Read Count : 112

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Drama
I ran to Lila and 2 other friends. Margret, she has dark brown hair and an outstanding personality. Michelle, or Miche for short, with jet black hair and a stupid personality. Lila, she has sandy gold hair and a girly personality. I placed my hand on Miche and she laughed out loud like if she was in a circus. Connie glared at me and I decided to have fun and stick my tongue out. We walked away to my house and Lila’s crush Jordan came and greeted me, she twirled her hair and tittered. He came to my house and we played Go Fish. Margret and Miche laughed all night long. Jordan decided to sleep with me, which disappointed Lila. Lila slept with my sister Roseanne and Margret and Miche slept in a tiny but cute room. 


  • May 28, 2018

  • May 28, 2018

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