IT LIVES WITHIN! PT4. Read Count : 83

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Suspense/Mystery
"BREAKFAST  CHILDEN!" she tells them."RISE AND SHINE!" THIS IS YOUR CAMP DAY!"the children wake up happily. they both wash and got dressed.and came downstairs  to eat pancakes and syrup. milk and orange juice. she loved to watch them eat they're  favorite food." now dont spill it hanna!" eat slowly josh, you'll  choke!" she tells them . she thinks of all the joy the children  bring her.and now,she's  gonna miss them while at kids camp for the  summer.josh is 6 hanna is 8.the bus pulls up.*BEEP  BEEP*"OKKAA" she yells outside to the driver. she gets both of their camping gear,and walks and seats them on the bus."BYE MY SWEET BABIES!" HAVE FUN OKAY!"she kisses both of them and huggs them. all the little children  are excited  about the trip!"DRIVE SAFELY!" she  tells the driver."OH YES MA'AM!"the driver says to her,then pulls off. as she waves goodbye as the bus leaves...she has this sharp pain in her left side,"AWOOUCH!"she moans . and  again. UHHGHH!!  OOH!  OH!!   MMMMMM....she falls to the ground outside.wallowing in dirt of the pain of her body. she wonders ,what could it  be. and stops. she gets up and,goes into the house.




  • May 26, 2017

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