The Pack
Read Count : 98
Category : Books-Fiction
Sub Category : Adventure
I'm a wolf named rose. I live in the dry lands with my alpha and pack mates. It's always been peaceful...until now,.... *I get up and walk out the cave* moring I said as my eyes noticed my alpha , what are you doing here , red pelt ? . Oh I'm just trying to guard the lands. .., I thought that ash was doing that I said. Well he was still asleep so I took over said red pelt. Alright... wait! He'd say. I turn to face him. Can you do me a favour said red pelt . Of course i'd say.ok.. I need you to steal some beef from the humans said red pelt. Alright i'd reply. I run a cross the stone plains , past the fields , and across the bridge . I look up noticing a huge house , I jump on top of it and look down to see, a bunch of humans cooking beef on a fire,hey guys next time we go hunting we are going to get rid of those wolves. The human would say with happiness, I take a couple steps back.... I step on a branch that fell onto the roof and it made a loud CRACK . I instantly run for the beef and suffmsome into my mouth and run as fast as I could back to the dry lands , across the bridge , acros the fields, and back to the stone plains. I finally make it to the cave. *pant* I got the food , i'd place it down gently and a horde off wolves come running towards the food pilling on top of another to try and eat some of the steak , wow didnt know you guys were that hungry i'd say. I would hear a whine in the back round and I turn.... red pelt? ..... I see him at the cave door breathing heavily... they are here... the humans... have came... (to be continued)