Special Needs
Read Count : 144
Category : Diary/Journal
Sub Category : N/A
This is to everyone who judges before they know the full story. My brother has autism, PTSD, anxiety, ADHD, and is textbook Aspergers. For people who don't know what Aspergers is, it's a person with autism but they have a really high IQ. When he was 7 his IQ was approximately 120. He had a melt down in the middle of the testing so they couldn't get an exact number so we got him texted again a few months ago. He is 9 now and so many people have told him he is stupid and retarded because of how he acts. He has got told that so many times he has started to believe it. People judge so quickly without knowing the full truth and they don't know if they are bringing someone's self-esteem down. Anymore we have to ask him questions to help him realize that he is not dumb or stupid. What I'm trying to say here is that you need to know the WHOLE story behind what you see before you judge. If you take 5 minutes out of your day every day to go talk to someone and get to know them a little bit and get to know if they have special needs will show people that YOU do try to learn before you judge. I believe you should never judge someone but I know that is really hard to do. Please just know the whole story before you judge. It could change someone's life if you don't.