My Current Relationship Read Count : 109

Category : Blogs

Sub Category : LifeStyle
My current relationship as a college student is . I am engaged to a wonderful young man. We have been in a relationship for almost a year .Be a year this October.

He is a hard working man, he works seven days a week to just provide for us. He backs me up in everything I do. And I do have too say he is my one true love .

I do have too say we have been through alot. And I do mean a lot. But I would not change nothing for it in the world .

I am very thankful for him because I have chosen to go back to college. And he backs me up in that. And I have decided to make my writeing a career and he has supported that.

This man is my support, my team player and my love. And I am so thankful to say he is my feature husband .

I am excited!.


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