What More? Read Count : 113

Category : Blogs

Sub Category : Politics
What more does the Congressional leadership need to see from Fake President to send him packing?

Ryan and McConnell have, I assume, working eyes, ears and brains. Right?

Massive lies, ample evidence of collusion with Putin, clear obstruction of justice, dismantling of our societal safety nets and alarming incompetence in every single endeavor he has undertaken. 

As great as America is, it is not certain that it can survive this insidious attack from within. One that has very likely been orchestrated by Putin from what has surfaced thus far.

At some point in the future, historians will note that the Republican Congressional leadership failed us as they looked the other way when it was clear they should have taken action to remove the Trump cancer from the American body politic.

Remember that the only outrage McConnell could muster in the face of this debacle was, "I could do with a little less drama". Really, that all you got Mitch?

Looks like you and Ryan are as much at blame as Fake President for the American free fall we are witnessing.


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