America Thru The Looking Glass Read Count : 262

Category : Blogs

Sub Category : Politics
The world is watching the first days of the Trump administration and it is not looking good. Just read about what was said by Sean Spicer into today's press briefing. Its focus was blaming the press for under reporting the size of Trump's inaugural audience. Really? WTF? No reporting of presidential signings or updates on staffing? I truly was hoping Trump would quickly tackle the demands of the job and at least attempt to start unifying the country. Not happening. It looks like Trump is and will remain exactly who he has always been. Congress, are you watching? TweetalDumb is not going to cut it. Please do your job and immediately investigate the linkage between Russia and the Trump campaign so we can see if there is cause to have him impeached. If so, problem solved. If they are clean, at least we will know that all we have to deal with is Trump's infantile and inane leadership thought process. We can do this for a short while until he self implodes. Before today, I thought this would occur in 6-18 months. After day 1 and 2, the over under has dropped to 4-8 months. Congress, the whole world is watching. Each of you will be judged by history. Get the investigation underway now for the sake of the country, PLEASE.


  • Mar 12, 2017

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