Adventures Of Bolt And Rey
Read Count : 141
Category : Books-Fiction
Sub Category : Science Fiction
"With great power comes great responsibility", a simple quote that's delved its way into the basic rules of man. I'm not very responsible, but I haven't blown up this planet yet, so that's good. I often question myself, why would a higher power give me so much strength and power if I'm so irresponsible? I guess he would know me better than myself, but that answer never really satisfied anybody. About 5 years ago I was a teenager being schooled. I remember the exact lesson we were being taught in that day, and it was control. We used examples of the divisions, or countries as I've learned to call them, going to war. The Planets of Nobas was such a different place compared to where I am now. Now it's just The Planet of Nobas thanks to me. I was a young rascal with white hair and white irises. Every child was like this naturally. When a child turned 14, they would lay their hand upon the Gem of Revelation, a magical stone that gave you your magic essence, and their hair color and eye color would change. It was unknown to what the colors meant, as nothing was consistent. It just so happened it was my 14th birthday in 2 days, and so was my brother's. We were both really excited. I loved those days, because my brother and I shared similar thoughts of being laid back and common interests like video games, now all he cares about is trying to find meaning to his power and disciplining himself and me half to death. He was a pinch taller than me, and had dyed the ends of his hair a cyan blue, which father didn't approve of, in an attempt to be more diverse. His name is Bolt. Back then we were amateur musicians, we loved the feel of people grooving to our own thoughts and rhythm. We were getting ready to perform a song in front of a large crowd in an abandoned neighborhood where all the "indie kids" and "hippies" hung out. We put our soul into that song and by God I can't remember a single lyric or verse in it. They cheered over the sound of the last beats though, and I think that was the last regular day I ever lived. After that day, my father kept my brother and I home from school, and had us train our thoughts before we lay our hands upon the Gem of Revelation. Bolt and I medidated for so long and so deep, we didn't even know the day had passed us by. It felt like time travel because the meditation made the day feel like seconds. I got nervous knowing it was a matter of hours before I had to lay my hand upon the Gem. My father, Bolt, and I started the hike up the temple. "Nervous?" Bolt asked "Me too. Never imagined I'd live to see the day that we got our powers." I felt comfortable when my brother said he was nervous too. "Me neither, wanna play rock paper scissors to see who goes first?" I said. I was secretly trying to lose the match, which is just as hard as winning. I ended up winning 2/3, and tried to make it 3/5 but he contently accepted 2nd place. He'd never do that now. We reach the final footsteps up to the temple. My mind was so worried about what my powers were, if I was going to be happy with them, or if they'd curse me. I still don't know if what I have was a gift or a curse. We walked inside the temple and the scholar in there happily lead us to the line of kids who also are receiving their essence. Bolt was right behind me as we waited over an hour to reach the Gem. There was a scholar standing in front of the Gem when I approached the final resting place of my normal life. He made me read a rule book before I continued to touch the stone. I learned that I had the option to lay my hand on the stone with a twin. Bolt was technically a twin, but we didn't look alike. I consulted him about if he wanted to do so. He agreed and started reading the rule book too. Once he was done we looked at each other, looked at the Gem of Revelation, a massive shiny boulder that turned a different color when you moved a certain way and looked at it from a different angle. Bolt and I gulped simultaneously as we were directly in front of the stone. I told him to go on the word "go". I counted down from three, and he went on one instead, I tried to stop him but ended up missing and touched the stone with him at the same time anyways. I closed my eyes as new power surged through my veins and to my heart. After about a solid minute the transfer was complete, I opened my eyes and looked at my brother. His hair had turned black, and the parts of his hair that were dyed cyan were kind of neon light blue now. As he opened his eyes, I saw they had become yellow. We were immediately directed to a separate room with a giant mirror, and I eyed myself over. I was skinny as hell and had muscular arms. I was in the black jacket I always wore, even in the burning Sun. Still do. I was wearing pants that got me strange looks when I came here, but the closest resemblance to pants here would be leggings. I finally looked myself in the face, and dark red eyes stared back at me. The hair that drooped past my eye gave spoilers to my careful scan. My hair turned into a sort of metallic purple. I was done analyzing myself and looked over to my brother who was already done looking himself over. I immediately felt embarrassed and rushed with Bolt to the exit. "You look like you're gonna rob a power station" I said to my brother. "Hey smiled and said "Rey we're on that boat together." And I enjoyed that final non-serious moment I had with him.
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