Killer Photo Part 20 Read Count : 105

Category : Adult

Sub Category : Horror
Chapter Twenty
  Stephanie screamed hysterically. She was shaking and sobbing then realized nothing happened. She caught her breath and looked over her body for blood. Nothing. 

 James released his grip on the gun and let it fall to the ground as his hands shook. He was relieved that Stephanie was ok. He cried as he continued to say sorry. “I love you baby, I'm so sorry”. 

  Sam picked up the gun, put it in Stephanie's hand. “No, no, noooo, please No” Stephanie pleaded hysterically. Sam firmly told Stephanie to pull the trigger. Stephanie continued to shake and cry as she looked at James. Sam told her that if she just shot him they would let her go. Sam reminded her what an ass he was. “He doesn't love you, he fucked me in front of you.” Sam held Stephanie's hand to steady her aim at James and yelled at her to pull the trigger. “DO IT” yelled Sam. 

  Suddenly Stephanie's hand jerked and fired the gun. Sam's ears were ringing. Stephanie screamed. We all were clicking the shutters so fast when we realized that Kevin was bleeding. His legs gave way as he fell to the ground from shock. James tried to free himself from his restraints and Stephanie kept crying. She was out of control. Danny ran over to check Kevin. His head was gushing blood and Danny tore off his shirt to stop the bleeding. 

   Mac, Alex and I kept firing off shots until we realized Kevin was down. We stopped and ran over to him. Kevin kept saying that he was alright. It just grazed him. We all had our attention on Kevin when Sam looked over and saw James untying Stephanie. Almost without thinking she turned around, picked up the gun, loaded it and fired. James fell to the ground. Blood soon covered the desert sand surrounding James’ head like a halo of red.

  Stephanie screamed while she hurriedly tried to loosen the ropes around her as James lay at her feet dying, or was he already dead? She didn't know. She just knew she had to get away. 

  Evol and Mac had gotten to Stephanie before she was able to free herself. Evol pulled her out of the chair by her hair and threw her to the ground. Mac rolled her onto her stomach and tied her hands behind her back. Stephanie would pay for what she had done. 

  Sam and I made sure Kevin was off of his feet while we took a close look at the wound on his head. It had swelled up pretty bad and bled so much, but he was going to be ok. He was lucky to be alive. Alex and Mac had grabbed their cameras and started shooting again. Stephanie sat bound and gagged next to James in a pool of blood. It was actually quite mesmerizing to see the fear and disgust in her eyes as she sat next to James as his life slowly slipped away and there was nothing she could do. 

  Kevin tried to stand so he could assess the situation and maybe get a couple of shots of his own. He was a bit dizzy so Danny helped him over to a chair and handed him his camera. Soon we all were getting different angles of this gruesome scene. 

  Sam was angry. She felt betrayed in so many ways by this stupid woman. She also felt guilty that she wasn't able to keep Stephanie from firing the shot at Kevin. Danny tried to comfort her but she said she just needed to be alone for a bit as she wandered off in the dark with just her flashlight on her phone. 

  As we exhausted this session we knew we had to find Sam and figure out what to do with Stephanie. I offered to go find Sam. I saw the light from her phone in the distance so I headed that way. As I got closer I could hear Sam talking. She was on her phone and hung up as soon as she saw me approaching. 

  “The guys are done and we need to know what to do with Stephanie?” I asked as I pretended not to hear that she was on the phone. I mean, it wasn't any of my business anyway. Sam wiped the tears from her face and we walked back to the group.

  As soon as we returned Sam went straight to Kevin and hugged him tight and lightly kissed his bandage. He wiped her tears and kissed her softly on her lips. He wasn't angry at Sam. That thought would never cross his mind. Kevin was just anxious to move on from here. 

  Evol and Danny picked up Stephanie and drug her back to camp. She cried and pleaded with them to let her go. She continued to apologize to Kevin but he ignored her as he walked up ahead with Sam and the rest of us. The walk was long and cold, but we finally reached camp and the boys carelessly dropped Stephanie to the ground. By now she was filthy with dirt that stuck to the now dried up blood of James. She was sore and cold but she just lied there sobbing and feeling defeated. 

  Even though they were all exhausted mentally they needed to wind down and figure out Stephanie's fate. Kevin was too sore to play music so we just turned on the radio. Alex grabbed a bottle of wine and poured Sam and I a glass. Mac had a glass of his usual whiskey while Evol started a fire. Danny sat with Kevin looking over some of the shots they got. This was Danny's new high. He felt that rush all over again as he scrolled one by one through the bloody mess in the photos. His eyes lit up and at that moment he knew what had to happen next.


  • May 25, 2018

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