Why Can't We Get Along? Read Count : 131

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : YoungAdult
Me and my brother always fight.My mother wonders how all this conflict between us started.Well this is the story of how it started.I was about 4 or 5 years old when I found out I was gonna have a brother.I was excited and full of joy.But the very first day they brought him home.He screamed at me.That made me a little angry.But then I just thought.He's a baby he'll get used to it when he is 3 years old.But no.This didn't stop at all.Scream at me when I enter his room just to say hello.Scream at me when i'm next to you.He even still does it sometimes right now.One time he screamed so much that he threw up on my new big boy shirt.I was six years old in this time.He was 2 years old.His name is Alex.I could never get Alex to say my name.Say Brock.Blooky He said.Brook I said again.Blooky dooky.He laughed so hard.I almost wanted to knock his face off.I was 7 years old.It was almost time for Alex to talk.I was bored.So I went to Alex to see what he was doing.I walked down the hall to his room.And i was scared.He had a huge Ant in his room.He was laughing at it in the corner.I quickly stepped on the Ant before it got anywhere near Alex.And I told mom.Mom was glad that I told her She said.She would whatch Alex more now.when Alex was 5 years old after 2 years of showing him how to talk!He can finally talk.This is when I really didn't like Alex.He was poking me all the time.And saying.Pukey dooky.And laughing at the phone in  the most annoying way.I toke away the phone and gave it to mom.Alex got even more Annoying after this.He was kicking my leg.And trying to lick me.On accident I hit Alex in the face hard.He cried out.Mommy my face hurts!Alex started crying.What did you do?Mom asked Alex.Brock hit me  in the face.I looked at her and rolled my eyes.Are you lying?Mom asked Alex.Alex was a dumbo.And said.Yes.She put him back down and assumed his face hit tthe car chair.Alex glanced at me for a while he had a mean look on his face.I just ignored him for the whole day.But it's not that easy.I was 9 years old now It was my birthday.Everything was fun until my brother showed up.His friends didn't know he had a brother.So they asked.Who's that?Brock's brother.My mom replied.They chuckled.And said.Thats gotta suck dude.I replied.It does.My brother sat at the table all day looking at us.He still wasn't over the face thingy.I told him.A wanna play?Well i'll show you how you play with me.Alex didn't say anything he just looked at me with a frown.I kicked his legs like he always does in the car.I tried to lick his elbows.I called him pukey dukey.And stanky wanky.And yelled as loud as i could.Do you feel me now!?Alex cried.I ran in the playplace to go back to my friends.They saw everything from the window.They said.It was cool that I finally stood up for myself.That day I teached myself how to defend myself.Espically from Alex.That birthday was the best even though I got in trouble.Alex is 9 years old now and not as annoying.I'm 12 years old now.Even though he still remembers  that day.To me that day was the greatest day of my life.


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