Dark Carnival Read Count : 90

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Horror
Chapter 1 
When I was about your age I had a brother That didn't have any friends you would consider me as his only friend and one day I told him listen one day I'm not going to be here for you so just make a new friend. One day I came home from school and my mom was a course still at work she had a lot of stuff to do usually but my brother was nowhere to be found inside of the house I checked everywhere. It was about time for Mom to come home so I decided I should hurry the hell up so we had a course a back yard as I quickly open the back door to the back yard I saw what looked like my brother talking to someone could he have finally made a friend. As I screamed James it's time to come in mom should be here any minute as he replied okay just let me say goodbye to my friend I quickly replied ask your friend if you would like to join us for dinner tonight you know how mom loves to meet new friends. As he quickly got up out of the sandbox he quickly ran towards me I asked him so who's your new friend I didn't see him around his name is laughing Jack James replied Laughing Jack I replied that seems like a weird name did you ask him if he could join us for dinner no James replied let me go ask him jack Jack he kept screaming out Jack. I said well is he coming or not he must have went back to the carnival must have had some work to do your friend Jack works at a carnival huh yeah he loves the carnival he says it's only place to get away from his broken up childhood. As the Night Roll past me my mom of course and my little brother James were all at the table enjoying her food when James started to bring up Jack again he said jack had taught me a new trick mom would you like to see it is my mom was happy to have the thought that my brother James I made a new friend she quickly spoke out sure why not. Is James took his spoon and placed it on his nose he quickly made sure that it would not fall off of his nose that's the trick to work my mom laughed and gave him an Applause then he took the knife next to the silverware then did the same my mom stop cheering and clapping and quickly told him to knock that off  said she told him that if he were to do that again he would cut his whole nose off. As the night began to pass again my mom quickly took James in and then kiss them on the head and said goodnight to him you replied love you mom as he always does then he quickly said say goodnight a Laughing Jack my mom quickly spoke out the words who in the world is laughing Jack is he your new friend my brother James replied yes Mom he's my new friend well Mom replied goodnight Laughing Jack see you in Jack in the morning she quickly close my brother's door but not in anger and happiness that he had made a new friend at least it was a friend that he can hold onto she didn't even care if it was imaginary she just cared if he had one. Is my mom walked across the hall and entered my room she quickly spoke to me well your brother has a friend now I guess you won't have to look up to you anymore that's a shame I was really into you and him having a good relationship as brothers but I guess an imaginary friend will do for now imaginary friend I'll replied yes she replied it turns out that Laughing Jack is well he's imaginary and let's keep it that way. Is my mom kissed me on the head and said goodnight she quietly close my door and headed off to bed it was about 3 a.m. I woke up to this strange laughing it was coming from my brother's room I can make it out to be some kind of clown laughter I decided to check it out as I open my door I quickly noticed something wrong my hallway wasn't the same instead it looked like an abandoned amusement park and that's when the song started to play throughout the whole amusement park it was Pop Goes the Weasel as I followed the tune I could trace it all the way back to an abandoned looking tent as I open the tent I could see nothing but horror sweet innocent children were tied up to the wall and some of them had scratches on them some of them had their eyes gouged out and some of them with their heads torn off and some of them strapped to the wall naked. As I cried for Mercy to wake up from this dream something odd began to happen the music at stopped my heart was rushing for air the carnival was getting darker and darker by the minute then as I turned around all the bodies of the children were gone nothing but a dark closet and in front of the closet was a music box the Box itself said Laughing Jack in the Box I have heard of a Jack In The Box but never have I ever heard of Laughing Jack in the Box. As I walked quietly trying to not make a peep or creek out of the floor that was a course made out of wood I quickly picked up the music box without a sound and as the Clown music of Pop Goes the Weasel started again it finally ended when the box that open nothing was in the box. But then the closet happen to open out came what looked like a black ragged figure with white and black clothing off of a ragged Doll he started crawling out like some kind of bendable straw and then his space appeal to my very eyes the ice cream cone and nose of black and white stripes is black eyes is black goofy looking hair and his black lips and a sharp pointy teeth he quickly whispered the words into my ears pop goes the weasel then he grabbed my neck and I quickly woke up at that very moment. 
Chapter 2 
it was another day at school for me kind of rough because of the dream I had last night but I decide to ignore all the rough things as I knew like always God was with me. The bullies at school would taunt me and tease me because I had a brother that had no friends and would spend most of his time talking to his self and make Imaginary Friends unlike me I had a lot of friends even a girlfriend at my age. As I walked home from school I could see over the Gate of my house my brother was playing in the sandbox again probably talking to his imaginary friend named Jack you know my brother was doing his busy schedule talkin to Laughing Jack but when I decided to call my girlfriend and tell her about the dream I had I couldn't live with it here's with the conversation started with. Hi Sarah it's me call she replied hi Cole how are you doing today you looked a little gloomy today yeah I know it's just that I had a bad dream last night and I want to talk to you about it okay she replied what was it about it began with me at this like run-down amusement park I was sitting there just for a little while. And then the music of Pop Goes the Weasel started to play as I tought the music it led me to this tint I quickly open the tent and then all these dead bodies of children were tied to the walls they were totally mutilated and then I noticed the music at stopped as I turned around in my dream of course the bodies were gone. But all I saw was like this creepy little music box sitting in front of a dark closet then I picked it up in the music of Pop Goes the Weasel began again and it opened nothing was in there than this thing crawled out of the closet I don't know what it was but it said pop goes the weasel then grabbed me by the neck now I'm here. She replied okay why don't I just pray with you I replied to her I like that a lot as we began praying time ruled by and it was time for my little brother to come in because you know Mom will get home from work at this hour and my brother was outside you know talking to his friend but as I called him the first time they come in he didn't answer maybe you didn't hear me screaming loud enough I screamed out again James it's time to come in he still didn't answer me how come is he not answering me I began walking up to him I quickly turned him around as I did I saw what I thought I never see in my own childhood my brother had cut his mouth instead of red blood it was black blood and his face was turning pale white. As I looked at him and spoke to him what have you done he quickly whispered the words into my ears pop goes the weasel I quickly ran inside gasping for air I lock the door at least the back door then I ran to the front door and I locked that one then I ran upstairs into my room and locked my door I grabbed the baseball bat I always had right next to my bed just in case of an intruder. It was about time that mom got home but I only heard a knock at the door then I could hear the door open I thought it was my brother what was James going to do to my mother. As I listen down the hall I can hear bashing and screaming for mercy as I quickly open my door and ran downstairs with my baseball bat I could see what a brother should have never seen out of his little brother in his whole life my brother had a mallet and I'd bashed my mother's brain completely out but something was weird about that her blood wasn't red it was black her face was pale white then my brother whispered into my ears you're going to be late for the show if we don't get you dressed he quickly not me out. I can remember waking up back in the amusement park as my brother quickly grabbed a knife and pointed it up to my head you didn't do anything else just kept it there it didn't hurt at all but then I heard the song Pop Goes the Weasel playing on and on throughout the park I was getting sick of that Bloody song I asked my brother James what the hell is going on he whispered back he's here he wants to have fun as I quickly close my eyes think it would it was all a bad dream I open them back up nothing but Darkness appeal to my eyes then the vision of my dead girlfriend Sarah her tongue was cut out she was naked and then I quickly saw her stomach cut open with all her intestines wrapped around her neck I quickly dropped my knees and said you bastard. Is the fog again my eyes begin to rise up the darkness went away and I saw the amusement park again what was going on I whispered inside my mind and my brother happened to appear again but this time we were back in front of that closet the closet talk to me he said the only words I can remember quietly after the whole thing happened welcome to the dark carnival. As I quickly grab the knife next to me on the table I jab my brother in the eye with it he was bleeding out but his blood was black like always and I dark carnival the closet at open and I took them out for my brother as he had to bash my mom's brains out with it and tried to defend myself with it as the is the creepy dressed clown makeup wearing figure squirmed out of the closet like a worm he said stupid rotten pathetic mutt you can't get rid of me this is the dark carnival and I'm laughing Jack I'm everything your brother said I was.
Chapter 3 
as I begin to rush my heart out begging for mercy I can hear the music stopping again like always laughing Jack said something to me again this time he said Head Start then he disappeared out into the fog of the dark carnival I ran out of the circus tent hoping the fine what was my whole life back together but it didn't lead me out of the circus of nightmares it only let me back to my house which I thought was great but I could still see my mom's bashed mutilated corpse. As I quickly walked up the stairs with the Mallet still in my hand my brother was walking up stairs with me I could feel his presence I know my brother's presents and that was not laughing Jack I can tell you that was my brother he had a top hat on and his mouth was cut open instead of red light you would see black blood sticking out of the mouth area and he had this white straitjacket thing on that matched is laughing Jack Style is a March stuff the stairs to the bathroom I open the bathroom door then that's going to happen. My brother took out the army knife that my father gave me before he died and I gave it to James cuz I thought he would need protection a child his age you know has no friends and needs protection from like bullies and stuff so I gave him it he gave the knife to me as I opened it you whispered into my ears again you know what must be done I quickly started carving my mouth open instead of red blood I saw black blood then as I was finished my brother took out a rolling chair and he placed me inside the rolling chair and he turned me around I saw the creature known as Laughing Jack. Laughing Jack said his last few words before I did it welcome to the family my brother quickly gave me a revolver then I loaded the chamber and open fire to my head and that my Laughing Jack story thank you for listening.


  • look out for the sequel coming out in 2019 but don't worry more stories coming your way

    May 12, 2018

  • May 13, 2018

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