Morrowseer The Land Of Mystery Pt. 3 Read Count : 115

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Fantasy
"Really..? You failed the test again!" Exclaimed Astro. "I thought my tutoring would help!" He added. Astro was always the smartest in the whole school and helped me pass tests. But I really wasn't getting this class. "Look this just isn't my class... I'm just going to go get some rest." Fireball said with a tired look on his face. "Fine..." Astro groaned. Fireball headed to his cave to rest. Once he got there he laid down. He covered him self with his giant wings and curled up his tail. He looked at the sun going down. As the sky slowly turned from blue, to yellow, to orange, to red, then black. He watched to stars start to spark. It was really a gorgeous sight. He started to wonder why he and everyone else... had to learn about the prophecy. And the scrolls left behind by Worldlings. Then, found in the cave of wonders. The cave that had mystical waters. That could heal all that swam in it. The cave that could be found through the most dangerous of tunnels, protected by the most harmful dragons, through the deepest of waters, on the highest mountain known to dragons. They say where the Worldlings left us gifts there. Where only the strongest could reach. They may of left us wonders there, but the most valuable gift they left us... Was future it's self. 


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