The Monsters (chapter 2) Read Count : 126

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Thriller
I could've help it if I would've been inside my house I was always thinking that to myself when I was watching what I was doing I saw blood on my teeth to then I said"omg...........blood...NO" i was suffering on the inside my mind was going crazy I was to scared to
Fight it all back I couldn't stand it then my devil self said"wow blood my faaaaavrite color" sence blood wasn't a color I was confused I 
Tried to think of ideas to escape but
I couldn't think of anything! I guess I will have to stay here I said " i cant stand this place, I SHOULD escape my mind so I can leave peace and happy
But I couldn't,I'm killing pepole from Earth it was a long long story
Thier earth was destroyed because a Astroid the size of the earth
Then it been obomenated so we help to save them, but in the night we killed them on this earth, now back where I tried to escape
I was all trying but when I saw my devil self killing I was shocked,
All the midnight monsters where fighting each other
I was terrified I tried to tell my demon self" STOP!"
But she couldn't I was hopeless to stop it I had nothing on my side
Also I saw another pack of earthlings, I transformed demon self transformed her arms and grab somebody's neck and my devil self said"death!" Then scratch his arm off, the others escaped while she was killing her teammate (to be continued)


  • hope you gusy like it i worked hard on it

    May 12, 2018

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