Category : Books-Fiction
Sub Category : Adventure
It all started here, I was walking around outside when the most strangest thing happened to me. It hit me just then "HOLY CRAP IT'S FATHERS DAY!!!" I practically rammed into the door of the store when I got there and somehow broke it's glass "Hey!!" Some guy shouted, "You have to pay for that!!" I was breaking glass ornaments while running into shelves of gift cards, Toys, and all the other stuff. Almost breaking my right rib I turned to the next isle, there it was the perfect thing for my dad. He'd always wanted it I shouted "I FOUND IT!!" Then I got tazed, pain stinging me all throughout my body. Only 2 hours later did I wake up in a prison cell, "Sir time for your Interview!"I didn't say anything back just walked with him slowly, "Why did you do it" "i don't kn- he didnt get to finish his sentence a gun shot rang aloud in that room while we walked past I finally reached the room. The man opened the door and let me in. As soon as I got in there though the door slammed and was locked, no one was in here though, I closed my eyes very very slowly. I woke up with blackness all around me, when I tried to move I couldn't. It hit me, this was a dream.