The Basement
Read Count : 156
Category : Stories
Sub Category : Horror
When I was a child I used to go to my cousins house, she was about 17 years old and I was 9 at the time, I would come to her house to play with her gameboy advanced, but this day she said she let her friend at school borrow it, so I was like okay i'll find something else, so it was just the both of us at home since her mom went out shopping, so I start to scavenge through her stuff looking for something interesting but I found nothing, I go from room to room but I find nothing, until I found a door that was locked, I yelled out to her and asked her about the locked door, she said it was a door that led to the basement but she knew nothing else about it or why it is even locked to begin with, I asked her if we could go down there to check, she denied, so as a child I begged and begged..and so she said fine and went upstairs to get the key, so I'm next to the door laying my back on it, then all of a sudden, I hear a softly Knock on the door.. I got paralized, I couldn't move, I started hearing breathing on the door, and so the knocks continued with the breathing, each knock felt as if my heart would burst out of my chest, and then..it stopped, my cousin came with the key and said for me to scoot over so she could unlock the door, I couldn't even talk..I couldn't think..and so I did as I was told, I stepped away from the door but I was always looking at it from the front, I saw her unlock the door and she opened it, she looks towards me and asks me if I'm coming, I was going to say no but then, I saw something behind her..it wasn't even human.. It was behind her and got up on it's feet and said From our birthday, until we die, Is but the winking of an eye ... Her eyes opened up, but before she could scream it bashed her head on the wall and grabbed her by the neck and dragged her down the basement with blood spurting out of her mouth. The end.