21st January Read Count : 531

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Thriller
There she lived all alone for years,she come out every night to watch the sky with the stars and the moon,but once she saw something miracle in the sky.It was all light around her and the light followed her till the end.She woke up the next morning it was all a dream but she was amazed with dream she got then left college as it was last day for her.
There was a very good and decent guy who had a crush on her but never dared to propose her,as she knows about that she's though calm.On the same magical day 21st january he comes to her and proposed her,she was amazed again with the day and the dream and she was not sure what to tell to him and she asked for a little time.He said smiling why dont you tell me tomorrow,she got a chance to go back home and think about and she fall a sleep at 21:21 and she dreams again.
This time its a beautiful island called "Mermaid island" they were all 21 beautiful mermaids and she's one among them.
As there was a saying about the island that a men had to come to pick his lady among these mermaids as it says whom ever he picks they get a human life as well.
All the mermaids were waiting for the men's arrival but this mermaid who's dreaming was just calm,and one fine day a boat sails towards the island but it was not the men but it was a witch who couldnt bare the beauty of the island and she cursed the island and the mermaids to look ugly,it says if the men who picks one turns ugly and cannot have human life as well,many of the mermaids left the island and some went hidden but this mermaid who's dreaming was still there in wait.
After days she saw a boat sailing towards the island and it was so called men who's actually coming for treasure, while his way to treasure he change and turned to love when he saw the beautiful mermaid he was in love as he tried to reach near she began to move away as she knows about the curse and she tells him everything.
He laughs for a while and he said " i was the one coming to this island but for treasure and now i dont think i go back alone without you"
This made her feel so good and he began to hold her hand and took her to the boat,she was in the water and he was on the boat and no curse could take them away.
"It was like the skies kissing the oceans"
She wokeup the next morning and she felt it was the same guy who proposed in her real life
Oh wait ! I got up the next morning it was 21st january and this was my dream and i know the girl whom i got in my dream and she's the one i am going to propose today.  
                              Story by-
                          Shaik Hassan ali


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