Slippery Slope
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Category : Blogs
Sub Category : Politics
In its most basic element, politics is the process that determines who gets what. In his soon to be released budget proposal, Fake President will breakout a new wrinkle for crony capitalism to finance our infrastructure rebuild. Instead of using the proven tool of bond financing, Fake President sees a way to enrich his buddy developers and likely himself. He wants to provide up to $200 billion of taxpayer monies via tax credits to these guys to prime the pump for their subsequent investment of up to $1 trillion. From there, he hallucinates yet another version of trickle down benefit to the Ametican public. Bullshit! In theory, roads, bridges and public transportation would be improved without increasing our taxes. Highly unlikely. And we will forever more be at the mercy of these investor developers paying their "tolls". Think about that 3 mile trek to Wallmart and having to pump quarters into the toll bucket every trip or have to constantly reload your road use windshield reader. Know this. If it's a good deal for private investment, it's not a good deal for the public interest. That is the basic law of "for profit" capitalism. And what about those areas of infrastructure rebuild that do not lend themselves to cash genetation? Things like replacing underground water/sewer lines and environmental protections? How can these things become monetized? They cannot. In the final analysis, we need to make serious investment in our infrastructure. But it should be accomplished with intelligent bond issuance where needed and using more of our tax dollars for it. We should allocate more existing tax dollars to infrastructure. Cut back on the tax give backs to the top 2%, redirect funds from pork barrel projects and defense. We already outspend the next 7 largest militaries in the world combined. Let's spend just more than the top 5 other countries. Sorry, I just don't buy what soon to be Ex-President is selling on infrastructure rebuild methodology. Just another bad idea. It would undoubtedly put America on a slippety slope.
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