GREAT ADVISE Read Count : 96

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A
Take all great advice as it applies to you, and don't be afraid to take flight inside your own mind to seek and to find what could be and what will be for you and for you to see your true you

 When it's all have been said and done only you with no idea or no witnesses to the ear to hear the great advice that was given to you to take flight into the blue skies as if you was a 747 soaring through the air with everyone on board without a care

 Great advice can take you there, can take you a long way aboard this flight of great advice, so don't think twice to listen to the words that has been advised and heard by so many before

Too many to count and too many not to count to take this great advice and live life to its fullest and don't be fooled by false pretenders who say they have your best interest in hand

But those are the ones who will stab you in your back when you're not looking and only act like they have your best interest in their hands 

When all along they cannot stand on their own and they even though by having two legs and two feet they can beat those with no feet or legs

So they can run and walk like others, these are the ones who holds no regrets to do what's right for those who don't understand why is it that you cannot stand on your own without falling over 

But the one's with no legs or feet to stand, you stands the tallest because of the great advice you taken and given with nothing but good attentions and you will be the one not falling over again

Larry Perry.Sr.


  • May 12, 2018

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