Traitor Triumvirate Read Count : 228

Category : Blogs

Sub Category : Politics
As more information about Michael Flynn and Jared Kushner comes to light, we learn that both of these weasels definitely had multiple contacts with the Russians during the campaign.

We now know for sure that the Trump transition team,  headed by Mike Pence, reporting directly to Fake President (FP), was fully aware that both weasels were compromised by the Russians.

Back in November 2016, Elijah Cummings D-MD wrote a letter to Mike Pence telling him that the House's Intelligence Committee knew for certain (complete surety for FP supporters) that Flynn was on the payroll of a foreign power. Real President (RP) Obama told FP during their first meeting post election that Flynn was a foreign agent. Yet FP still went ahead and named Flynn as his National Security Advisor. He still brought Kushner into his inner circle despite his Russian ties.


Not knowing the facts can't be used as an excuse, can it? Perhaps FP can claim total incompetence, but although that explanation is somewhat plausible in his case, it doesn't fly either. So, the only rat move left for FP as the holes are closed, is to admit the truth, that he doesn't give a shit about national security and the integrity of our election process. It's all about what he wants, what is best for him personally, the nation be damned.

Although all this has been obvious to those of us following the real news, those blindly believing anything FP blathers or have Fake Fox News on 24/7 need to come to grips with reality. The truth will set you free and likely jail the Traitorous Triumvirate.



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