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Category : Blogs
Sub Category : Politics
AT&T funneled $600,000 into Michael Cohen's shell company, Essential Consultants. Cohen withdrew this money from this account, along with another $4,000,000 of payola paid by a Russian oligarch, Novartis and Korean Aerospace. Where did all this money ultimately end up? People are saying the money made its way to the person Cohen works for. Robert Mueller is working on proving it. This money, AT&T admits, was to buy influence within the Trump Crime Syndicate which masquerades as a presidential administration. AT&T was looking forward to two major events they wanted approved: their merger with Time Warner and the dimise of net neutrality. Looks like they are getting a big bang for their bucks. Drain the swamp Fake President says? He is by far, the greatest swamp builder in the history of Washington, DC. Sad!