Why?!!! And Sometimes Whymillion Things People Stll Do.
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Sub Category : LifeStyle
Have you ever asked and wonder, Why. Then ponder,how you get to varible C with little baby steps AaBb. The teacher or whoever guarntee that way he or she teach it help you. You do it,your answer was 50 percent correct. So you then dont understand why teacher just given flat F to you. Your parents give a flipp if one class drop you down. Why is that so? Why is the sky blue? People themselves ask, why do our president act that way he do? Why do the republicans support Guns and illegal reforms not for our economy? Why is the United States deifict is overly filled? We only need what we can to survive.off. Parents asked this... Why are you wearing your hair inappropiately? Why go out with jimmy who smoke and party all night? Why did you let yourself get pregnant? Why did you leave your child to your obsessive lover? Why in the mutha***** you show up on Steve Wilkos or the Maury show? These questions may have a millions of responsive but our elders will only have same question in mind. 55 up Why do i have to take the damn fat pill? Why is my doctor be changed? Why is it take.so long for my exam result to come back? Why the drug industry named the drugs with illicit names? mirena,yaz, Etc Why do the news at 1pm, 5pm,11pm cover only shootings and random stories in other cities but really say in detroit? "A kid shot in Northwest Detroit. He was playing with load gun and it set off. "The location of the accident was in Eastpointe not on the west of Detroit. Come on,people! Us, women to women asked this about man. Why do young men who wants mature women do everything push away? Why dont the younger brotha step up and take charge of his life instead mama doing it? Why dont man stop playing with our emotions and be Real? Why man use Love as way to used somebody? Love or say i love you should never be use so freely. If you dont feel it, then dont say it. Why do some man risk a woman he befriended for another chick? He might as well exit completely.
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