YOU ARE MY SUNSHINE Read Count : 105

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A
Everyday has been dark before you opened up my eyes from the sparks from your eyes, I realized how blind I have been

I was in total darkness before a specie of light opened the blindness of my eyes and made me decide

What is worth seeing is standing right in front of me to see and what a sight you are, so bright

When my days turns into night you brings me light to brighten up the sky for me to see

Could it be that you are a star that makes my darkest days and nights shine

You Are My Sunshine and there's never a dark cloud in the sky when you're around in my eyes to see

The skies are never dark once your feet touches the ground outside, all of the dark clouds moves away when it comes to you my Sunshine

Nothing can bring me down whenever you're around and I'm so happy I can kiss the ground you walk on everyday

In my heart you will stay and never will stop shining for me to see in the dark

Weeks and years will never undo the love I have for you because You Are My Sunshine

I will not denie how you makes everything brighter and better when no other could, you came and lite up my life with your bright lights

I band together with my thoughts to keep you close so I will not have any dark days or dark nights

You light up my life, you make everything brighter for everyone to see around you

You can light up the darkest room when you walk in with your glowing presence 

You Are My Sunshine to keep me awake from dreaming of the darkness I once knew

My bright Sunshine is what you are and make no mistake you are a beautiful bright star that stands alone from the rest for all to see

You brighten up my day when there's no light at the end of the tunnel

You gives me light to keep me going, you gives me light at night to find my way back to you

You Are My Sunshine, You Are My Sunshine for life and then after

There's no way I can hide from your bright Sunshine because you are my very own power source to find me each and every time 

Keep lighting up my life my Sunshine

Larry Perry, Sr.


  • May 12, 2018

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