The Unkown Demi-Twins
Read Count : 130
Category : Books-Fiction
Sub Category : Suspense/Mystery
~The Beginning~ APRIL 8,2006: BIRTHDATE The blood of two powerful beings flowed through the viens of a boy named Noah Ajax, but along with Noah was born Sofia. Sofia Ajax isn't quite like her twin brother, she was born with an unusual aura beaming inside of her. About five months after the two were born the parents decided it was best to separate until the time was right. The twins spent fourteen years apart, and never understanding certain things that happened or why they happened. 'Til this day the two are unknowing of their powers they possess within them... until APRIL 8, 2020. Noah Ajax's P.O.V ~ONE MONTH AGO~ Looking through my new telescope,the comet of Athens passes by making me jump a little. I got up, and ran to father's library knowing he is in there. I open the door heading to the back of the library, and into another steel door. I read the sign on the door smiling. (LABORATORY) I push open the door, sprinting towardy favorite section ... the Techno Droins. My father studies Greek mythology for a living. Anything he shows me,from the two-tailed horse to the leaping snake he takes to the Techno. I spot father near the information drawer and zoomed over to him. He sees me and gives me a big hug, before setting me down and yelling "be right back Marco", before I drag him out the lab and library,and into the family room. We sat down and I finally ask him my question. Noah- why? I ask scared that he'll Dodge my question. Father- Listen son, I know your wondering who you are and about your mother, but tonight isn't the night. He says with a sigh. I pout discouraged, but then I nod my head still mad, but I soon shake it off. I hug my dad goodnight then headed to my bedroom to go to sleep. As my head hits the pillow my mind drifts to the dream I have of a girl and me together, awhile later my eyes gets heavier and heavier before I soon fall asleep CHAPTER 2 ~THE CALL~6 IN THE MORNING~ (UNKOWN P.O.V) A- Harry it's time hun. They need to know who and what they are. H- I know, but we can't just ask him to allow us to leave our children in his hands. A- hun I already knew. That's why I've hired Percy's son to be my son's friend. H- why would--- A- I understand,but getting to the refugee is all I want. For BOTH our children. H- How is she? A- She's learning to control way more better. H- Well Noah is good too, Although he wants to meet you... A- They both do. A- Soon? H- of course, I love you A- Love you too. A&H- Bye. (End of conversation) CHAPTER 3 ~Only the beginning~ (THIRD PERSON) He slumped down onto the love seat, feeling uneasy about what's yet to come. Rubbing his chin in thought, he spoke to himself unsure of his wife's decision. Man- "She's never been I should trust her, but still I'm very worried about them". He thought getting up from the seat. He headed up the steps, towards the lab. He pressed his hand against the wall. With a slight flash the walls began to repel and a secret door appeared. He walked in putting on a long leather coat before sitting down at a control center. A voice of a animatronic women greeted him, awaiting his command. Voice - Hello mister Ajax, any specific requests. She asked. Man - N.A.S.H could you hook up the system to every location where a monster has hit for these last few months. Voice - moment.... All locations involving monster history for 3 months... Man - Thanks... The man was investigating demigod activity as far as the Atlantic ocean. He wasn't concerned about the damages done, but more of the direction they are coming from and headed. Voice- I have found multiple scenarios that have matched your description... Man - Alright.. He layed back into his chair as he listened to the cities that were hit... Voice - Athens.. Dallas... Agusta park And.. The man looked shocked as the city the voice spoke of next was unbelievable... Voice- and many more near the coast of the Indian terrian... Man - N.A.S.H tell me the location of the damage.. and the camp near the terrians name... Voice - sorry the area of the camp isnt popping up, but the demigods who have been located near the area is... (TO BE CONTINUED..) CHAPTER 4 (Sophia P.O.V) I woke up, rubbing the sleep from my eyes. I got out the bed heading to the bathroom to do my daily hygiene. I turned the knob, the hot water turning on. I got undressed, feeling the water to see if it was hot enough. I grabbed my strawberry-kiwi liquid soap and a clean wash cloth. I got into the shower washing my body clean. Twenty minutes later, I got out of the shower, wrapping a towel around my body, I slipped on my bunny slippers going to my drawer. I grabbed my underwear, I put them on before heading over to the closet to pick out a outfit. I decided on a burgundy tank top, burgundy high-waisted jeans, my favorite thrasher crop top, and my black Jordans. After I tied my shoes, I went to do my hygiene. I brushed my teeth, washed my face, applied unscented lotion, and my degree spray deodorant. I sniffed my armpits to check I was not stinking, before I hear my mom yell... Mother: Soph breakfast is ready! I huge smile grew on my face before replying with a "YES". I bolted down the steps almost tripping twice before reaching the island in the kitchen. I jumped up and down excited as my mother sat the plate in front of me causing me to scream happily. I sat down at the family table, not caring that I looked like a chipmunk stuffing it's cheeks with acorns. I finished my food, placing the plate in the sink before rushing out the house. I yelled a "BYE MOM LOVE YOU" before grabbing my mini strap backpack, closing the door shut before I heard her response.