TELL ME Read Count : 107

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A
I'm here now in a cold sweat I came running as soon as I heard your voice on the phone telling me you have something to tell me

You said that you've been waiting all day to tell me so tell me what's on your mind

You're telling me you had something on your mind for a while now

I can't wait no longer give it to me straight why the look of fear is on your face

What is it that you fear come here I can't take it any longer tell me

I can take anything you tell me except that you're leaving me that's the only thing I don't want to hear

Tell me what's on your mind baby that made me come running leaving me in a cold sweat

Tell me tell me tell me baby please tell me I can see it in your eyes that you need to release something that is deep inside

It's burnin you up inside tell me what can it be

Say what you heard what through the grape vine that I didn't want you anymore

Tell me where could you have heard such a thing that isn't true I love you this is true

Could it have been a man trying to get next to you or a woman trying to get next to me to break up this good thing

I love you that's why I dropped everything and came running in a cold sweat to see what you had to tell me and to make sure that my baby was okay

I need to be near you always have and always will it's a thrll to have you in my life

Now that I'm here tell me my dear do you love me as much as I love you

Tell me that you believe me that you are the only one for me until death do us part 

Tell me is it me that you miss every day and night

Tell me this will you say yes to being my wife for life

Tell Me

Larry Perry, Sr.


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