Slave Part 1
Read Count : 120
Category : Adult
Sub Category : Adult Fantasy
she heard the bell ring her alarm clock forever reminding her that shes a slave. She open her eyes to the dim light of early morning and breathed in the freezing air. She heard the others around her starting to rise and she stretched her Back cracking as she stood. She winced and walk up the cellar stairs following the others. She shuffled behind the rest as they made their way to the placement Board. As she got closer she started to tremble... She didnt want to be assigned to the color Rooms. They were pleasure rooms for paying clients to pick a slave and do what they wished witn them.luckily she hadnt ever been chosen for this duty. her hands started to sweat and her heart pounded.. her turn came and she swallowed looking for her number. No slave had a name only a number. She ran her finger down the list and sighed as she saw her number on the kitchen duty list. She sighed and breathed easier as she walked to her assigned post in tge kitchens... She didnt know why she was so scared of the list. She would never be chosen for the color rooms. She wasnt a beauty like the other girls her age here. Her hair was straight and black as coal bound on her head. She was slim with rounded hips and her breasts were concealed by the baggy shift they were assigned,to wear. Her eyes were ice blue unsettling so to many of the other slaves. Shed been called a,witch many times and even almost killed by others beleiving her the spawn of the devil.. As she entered the kitchen she was grabbed roughly by the neck by someone... " your in my section I see witch!" She heard the disgusting walcher say as he pulled her head back.. She fought back tears as she felt his fingers dig into her neck. " yes sir.." She cried out hoarsly. He smiled at her with his half toothless grin and greasy hair falling in his boiled face. He threw her towards a table and chuckled as her ribs hit the edge.. " ha ha ha.. Thats right witch now get to work your on bread duty!" He said walking out of the kitchen. She coughed as the air returned into her lungs followed,by a sharp pain in her ribs.. She grimaced but remained upright clutching the table. Knowing if she made any kind of fuss she would be punished. She gulped hard and grabbed the flour pouring it into the bowl and kneading it together with salt and yeast. She continued this until a hand grabbed her by the shouder and swung her around. She sighed in relief as she saw the eldest of the female slaves behind her. She looked tired and when out like all the rest of us. Her apron hung loosely around her waist covered in numerous foods.her gray hair pulled into a t bun on the top of her head she was the house cook and had been there as long as she could remember. She was fond of theold woman butt was thrown off by the sad look on her face. "What is it cook?" She asked worried. The woman took her hands in hers and gazed into her eyes."I'm sorry my dear but..I've gotten orders from above one of the other slaves on duty has fallen ill you are tho replace her." The girls face turned white and her hands shook.no her worst nightmare was coming true she would be sent to one of the color rooms. She had heard stories from the few slaves who had been up too the top floors,about the clients that came to the rooms. Monsters .. Werewolves,warlocks,vampires,demons... Creatures she hoped never existed. She gulped hard and hugged the cook tightly. She nodded and went out of the kitchen to the stairs that led to the second and main floor. Her steps echoed as she climbed up to the platform at the top. A half naked woman waited at a desk drumming her long nails on the counter.. She turned and saw her staring. "By the looks you must be the replacement for room 13. " she said with a smirk. She had never seen another women's breasts before and blushed as she stole a glance at them. The woman was pretty. with short blonde hair and brown eyes her skin a healthy glow and she smelled of mint and lilac. "Well stop gawking I know I'm beautiful but you have work to do. Down the hall and to the left your assigned room 13 the red room. Wait inside for your client and do whatever they ask. !" She glared at her and it was like knives going into her chest. " yes mam" she squeezed out. She slowly walked by the desk and down the hallway. Her heart pounding harder in her chest as she saw the colored doors. At the end of he hall she spotted a red door.. Her feet took small steps as her mind raced... What's going to happen to me. What if if a warlock casts a spell on me or something! Her breathing got heavier as she passed doors of different color. Green,blue,yellow, 10,11,12. She stood in front of the door scared of what was to Come. Her hand grasped the knob and she pulled the door open.. She blinked and took one step inside. It was a bedchamber, lit dimly by candlelight and a fire in the hearth.she stepped in more and the door closed behind her making her jump. Her mind raced as she tried to observe the room. A large four poster bed was in front of the hearth doned in black curtains and red satin bedding. There were fur rugs lying about the floors and a arm chair and table near the fire. She saw a window on the opposite side of the room and rushed over to it. She eagerly opened it and felt the morning air hit her face.. She breathed deep the first fresh air she had ever had. She hasn't seen outside the slave house since she was small when her mother and her were brought there. Tears welled in her eyes as she remembered her mothers body being thrown into a shallow grave in a field ... Her mother was beautiful with red hair and blue eyes. Tears rolled down her cheeks in memory when she heard the door open and shut behind her. She turned and looked afraid of what she would see. The room was so dark she couldn't make out anyone. But she heard footsteps.. Her heart began to pound again... What was in the room with her?... " close the window." A mans voice came from the shadows .. Deep and sultry.. She gulped and shut the window putting the room into. Darkness again. She saw two yellow eyes looking at her in the dark. She took a step back and tripped over a table falling back she was caught and uprighted before she hit the floor she felt him behind her and tuned around to see his eyes looking down at her. She backed towards the foresight firelight and saw the man finally as he stepped out of the shadows. He was tall with long black hair his eyes a yellow, he wore black pants and riding boots with a white undershirt and a red overcoat.. He looked her up and down cocking his head. " I've not seen you before here.. Where's number 27.." He asked frowning. She put hercyeses to the floor knowing better than to look a client in the eyes. " I'm sorry sir but the slave assigned here today has fallen ill and I've been sent as a replacement." She heard his foot steps but was shocked when we felt his cold hand lifting her chin up to look at him. " hmm.. Beautiful eyes. And I imagine beautiful hair as Well .. He looked deep in her eyes by stepped back with a smirk. Your very good at hiding your thoughts." He said letting her go.