The Princess Book 2
Read Count : 190
Category : Books-Fiction
Sub Category : Fantasy
Then something pulled the roof off! And something grabbed Allison but her father was already halfway across the room. But the something caught him too. Then Allison realized the something was actually a DRAGON. Allison started screaming. But the dragon shushed her. She tried to explain to him that it was disrespectful to do that to a princess but he just ignored her. Allison was very mad now. She felt like her" ears could be dumping out smoke by now. But they weren't. She wished they were because that would probably scare the dragon. But it didn't happen so she did whatever the dragon wanted her to. Which was: be quiet, be respectful, and be nice. So she did. Hey did nothing he wanted her to. They reached the dragon house (cave). It was very dark and scary. Allison didn't like it. She thought he was going to eat them. But he didn't, he just plopped down in his chair. Then he asked "Was the ride here bumpy?" Allison and her father replied in unison "YES!" The dragon said something else but Allison didn't listen, she was thinking about the castle and how the dragon ripped the roof off and how he grabbed her and her father. Then the dragon tapped her should we and asked "Are you paying any attention to what I'm saying?" "No I'm not I'm thinking" replied Allison. " Thinking about what," asked the dragon. "I'm thinking about how you ripped the roof off of the castle. I'm thinking about how you grabbed me and my father out of the castle," Allison snapped at the dragon. "Oh yeah, you can call me Todd. That's my name," said the dragon. "Ok TODD why'd you do those things?" Allison asked sarcasticly. "I had to. My father the king of dragons forced me to," said Todd. "Can we meet him?" asked Allison's father. "NO!" screamed Todd. "What is he dangerous or something?" asked Allison laughing in between words. "Yes he's very dangerous. He'll burn you then eat you," warned Todd. "Oooookkay," said Allison acting like a shocked person. Her father just stood there...wide eyed. Allison chuckled at the way he looked at Todd. Todd was very serious though. He meant what he said. He saw it happen. Now it would happen to them if he wasn't careful. So he said," Guys I'm serious. I've seen it happen. You could die. I'm trying to save you." Then Allison realized he WAS serious. He meant what he said. He probably had seen it happen. His father probably would do that. Todd continued,"He has done it. I've watched it happen. I'm going to try and save you. I don't want to watch that happen to you guys. I hate watching it happen. It's scary and not fun to watch." Allison was scared now. She didn't like that he was talking in a serious voice. Then someone came in! To be continued...