Fortnite Book 1
Read Count : 130
Category : Books-Fiction
Sub Category : Adventure
One day Johnson played fortnite on his Xbox all went right until that faithful day. Johnson invited his friends to play fortnite with him. His friends names were Jake and John.Jake's game tag said coolestgamer1098 and John's name tag is legitprogamer1209 and Johnson's name tag was miraclesoilder309.So then they played.But Jack said actually guys come to my house then his friends came to Johnson's house then when his friends knocked on the door he opned the door for them then Johnson's friends came in his room then Johnson turned on fortnite ready to play then something strange happened then the game lagged then a green laser came on Jack Jack then said guys oh shoot then Jack got sucked in to fortnite then Johnson saw the green laser coming out of the tv screen then Johnson also got sucked Into the game. Then jake saw the green flash and jake said oh noooooo and jake got sucked into fortnite to. Then Jack and Johnson and jake spawned in fortnite they where in a hot air balloon then Jack said where are we they had their gaming tags on them then they jumped and put on their parachute they landed in the grass then jake said I think we are in fortnite.Then their was a player on their team in fortnite the players name tag was creeperpro8096 Johnson said hi to the player then the player said hi then Jack said so we got sucked into this game and it feels so real do you believe me creeperpro8096 said yes I believe you and I got sucked into the game to so this is what we will need to do is find the fortnite crystal it controls the game but it's very far away and it is also protected by the best players in fortnite but if we do succeed we have to touch the crystal and touch it and say fortnite and you will be back to your home. So Johnson said alright guys we need to work together to escape fortnite okay. Then jake said yes I am with you. Then they walked through the muddy grass and the son shining on them brightly. Then Johnson went to a lake with his friends Johnson looked at his reflection in his reflection it showed his fortnite character.Then Johnson said we need to go to different buildings to get weapons so come on guys so they walked in a building Johnson got his axe and broke a chest and got a gun Jack and jake and creeperpro8096 got weapons to then Johnson and his friends walked out of the building but then a player came shot Jack on the leg Jack was at 79 health but Johnson ran towards the player and shot him in the head the player that Johnson killed came on the grass dead then the players dead body vanished. Then 4 more players came ready to kill Johnson but Johnson had his friends his friends ran towards the players Jack shot a player in the chest and then shot the player in the head and that player died so Johnson's friends killed the players then Johnson walked with his friends in the sunset then Johnson said we will get out of hear soon.
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