Love War: Eyes First (Chapter 1) Read Count : 238

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Romance
They walked in the room. They picked up guns and went to their stalls, they loaded and pointed it to their targets.
"Going to the party bro?" asked Dan shooting.
"Nah man, I'm too busy." answered Yoseph putting his gun down. Dan did the same, he followed Yoseph out the door.

They walked to the nearest liquor store. They grabbed some sodas and chips. "Why?" asked Dan paying for everything, "it'll be lit! Jessica will be there."
"Dude, I'm being rewarded as the King of Guns tonight, I can't miss that." answered Yoseph walking out.

Later that night Yoseph got ready for his orientation. He looked at himself in the mirror, "Tonight's the night."

Dan picked up Jessica, Alexis, and Mardilin from their house.
"Where's Yoseph?" asked Alexis sitting in the passenger seat.
"At some orientation," answered Dan driving. Jessica listened to a few songs on her iPod while they drove to the party. Mardilin looked out the window, drawing the field on the window. Alexis sung to the music on the radio.
"Yoseph you owe me!" thought Dan putting ear plugs in his ears.

He arrived at the mansion where the orientation was being held. Golden frames around the doors and windows. Quartz pillars holding up marble roofs. Everything went together nice; Yoseph's jaw dropped, "Wow, wish Dan was here!"
"Ugh, that mischievous little boy, wish he not!" scolded Ms. Quinn.
"You know if it wasn't for him, I would be six feet under, right?" commented Yoseph. Ms. Quinn rolled her eyes.

Dan and the girls arrived at the party. They got out of the car and entered the house. Music was already playing, people already dancing, already kissing. Dan took off towards some girls laughing, "Oh hell yeah!" The girls shook their heads,
"Boys." commented Jessica.
"Agreed," replied Mardilin going to get some fruit punch.
"Yep," added Alexis going to the dance floors.

Yoseph gave a speech to everyone at the mansion.
"... And I promise to continue my family tree and passing down my shooting genes to my eldest child. And also to protect the Gun Gang Family and its territories as King of Guns!" Everyone cheered. Flowers were thrown at him, the elders shot the bulletproof ceiling. The former King Gun, King Don, Dan's older brother walked into the room. He pulled out the Golden Gun Pistol.
"I, King Don of Gun, here give thy new king, King Yoseph of Gun, the Golden Gun Pistol and officially announce him as King Yoseph as King of Guns!" Everyone cheered loudly.
"Thank you." said Yoseph bowing down.

An hour later, Yoseph arrived at the party. Dan high five him, they started to dance.
"Yo, where's Jessica?" asked Yoseph. Dan pointed towards her and pushed Yoseph in the same direction.

They talked for a long time. Laughing and smiling. They enjoyed one another, talking about their lives. Jessica saw stared into his eyes, deep blue, sparkling brightly,
"Your eyes are so beautiful, and big. Someone can get lost in there." Yoseph did the same,
"Your eyes are even more beautiful. Evergreen color, I'm already lost in them." They both smiled and blushed. They slowly went in for a kiss.

Dan, Mardilin, and Alexis stared and smiled.
"That lucky damn dude." commented Dan smiling big.
"Their so cute!"added Alexis.
"Yes they are,",paused Mardilin taking a picture, "now I have proof!" Both Dan and Alexis stared at Mardilin. She flipped her hair in front of them,
"What ever."

They kissed for a long time. Eyes closed first, then Yoseph brought her close to his body. Jessica smiled and relaxed. Yoseph smiled and put his hand on her soft cheeks.


  • Jun 11, 2018

  • Oct 01, 2018

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