The Activist Read Count : 168

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A

I have a vision, 

I'm on a mission from above, 

A course worthy of completion, 

There's no time for relaxation.

So I do not sit back 

No, I can not shut up because I'm an activist,

Necessity is laid upon me

And I know that one of these days I'll give account. 

Coz I've read my bible and checked around me 

And I perceive, 

I know, 

I'm certain that he is coming back. 

The time is short, 

It won't be long till I give a report on this assignment entrusted to me.

So as i prepare to soon meet my maker, My saviour, My master, The one who assigned me, 

I tirelessly run my course coz the fields are white, 

Check Matthew 9:38. 

See, when saints of old prayed to the Lord for labourers, you and I were brought on board. 

For the purpose of the gospel are you in existence, you were born an activist.

Armed with the sword of the of the Spirit God sent you as a knight in shinning armour to your world, 

Your shoes being the readiness to preach the gospel of His liquid love that's been lavishly poured upon them And how in Grace, 

He made it possible for them to see His face 

Now, as i close my eyes for a minute and reminisce, 

I hear the Spirit say; 

"If you ain't gathering, Then you're scattering. For activism is shouting And activists can never be silent."

 So while apologetics are silent, 

For peace's sakes, 

We activists are preaching and mobile for Christ's sake. 

Coz he went to the grave to purchase for them life, 

But they are not getting it till we tell then about it. 

So read Hosea 4:6 and tell me, 

Are you gonna let them perish when you have what they need? 

Coz activists are God's mouth pieces, We're sign posts pointing the direction of heaven 

And dispensing life is an assignment we can't afford to fail

Coz Christ Jesus himself is counting on us


  • May 29, 2019

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