Story Of Candy Season 1 Part 2 Read Count : 122

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Fantasy
In the room of candy 
Candy is trying to make her homework but candy can't concetrate. She dicide to call hayden. Conversation on the telephone...

Candy: hey hayden

Hayden: hey candy, everything alright?

Candy: yes and no, christy's birthday is very soon and I want a perfect present but I have no idea.

Hayden: okay that is a difficult situation but when is the party?and what are you going to do on the party?

Candy: eh,nothing I she doesn't  organised a party

Hayden: WHAT!!! Why? Her birthday is over two days.

Candy: yes, I don't get it two

Hayden: oke wait why would you give a present to her if she have not planned any party or something like that.

Candy: because I am her housemate, I give a present on het birthday party and on her birthday itself.

Hayden: oke, so the change is there that she invide me on her birthday.

Candy: yes, the change is there. Why would you know that?

Hayden: because I am a friend of her and I am going to help her with organise a party.....


  • Rikki Chadwick

    Rikki Chadwick

    some things are grammaticly incorrect please fix

    May 16, 2018

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