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Category : Blogs

Sub Category : Politics
Looks like Rocket Man is about to pull the rug out from Fake President on their scheduled summit. Or more likely, Kim knows that by bringing up the possibility of a cancellation, he can easily squeeze for consessions and Fake President will do ANYTHING to keep the meeting on track. Fake President needs and wants this summit to happen for a number of personal reasons: 1) it distracts from the impending Russia and corruption investigations. 2) it could help the Republicans minimize some losses in the upcoming midterm elections. 3) it could put him in play for a nobel peace prize. Bringing long term peace to the Korean Peninsula? That is simply a side benefit in the toad's reptilian brain. If Kim does renegue on his commitment, Fake President should totally understand as he has made his business and political careers out of reneguing on deals and screwing people. Just ask our allies, his casino sub-contractors and the Trump University students. Nice! Sad!



  • May 16, 2018

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