I AM HE Read Count : 224

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A
When man's wickedness seemingly prevailed 
his evilness gone rampage
And he was about to self destruct, 
I am He that was sent, 
To tell men and women that God's not mad at them, 
His liquid love covers their multitude of sins, 
I am He.

When Jesus made a public spectacle of the devil,
Rendering him helpless and without power, 
I am He that was sent, 
To tell men and women that they don't have to fear his bark, 
That the devil is a toothless bull dog, 
I am He.

In a world where young children are molested, 
the underprivileged treated unfairly 
and innocent blood shed daily,
I am He. 
I've been sent, not to cry as the millions 
Or complain like the masses, 
I am the Inner city missions,
I'm the BLW campus ministry, 

In a world where covetousness is normal,
Homosexuality is okay 
And sexual immorality is culture, 
I am He. 
I'm sent not to judge as the self righteous or condemn like the religious,
I am loveworld Sat, I'm loveworld plus, I'm loveworld TV,  

In a world where sickness is norm, 
Being constantly ill is natural
And hospitals are man's second home, 
I am He. 
I'm assigned, 
Not to wail as the multitudes or mourn like nations, 
I am the healing school,
I'm the BLW medical corps, 

When evil spirits tormented men and demons ran the show, 
I am He, 
I'm a saviour born out of Zion to deliver God's people from the clows of satan. 
I am the Rhapsody of realities
I'm the bible bank

When shackles of sin were tight around God's people and devils had them imprisoned, 
I am He.
I'm here to set them loose, the shackles never looked good around them anyway. 
I am He. 

When the population of hell gradually increased with God's people, 
And the devil thought he had the upper hand, 
I am He. 
I came to redirect them to heaven, 
Hell was never intended for man anyway. 
I am He. 

When chains of sickness and diseases bound God's people,
And demons had them wrapped around their little fingers, 
I am He. 
I'm a healing balm to nations of the world, 
I live to heal them, 
Infirmity never suited them anyway. 
I am He.

When their ignorance got the better of them 
And God's people perished for lack of knowledge, 
I am He. 
I was found willing and ready to go 
Coz see,
God's more concerned about availability, 
afterall, He's the giver of ability. 
I am He. 

When He wanted to reconcile with his people 
For in Christ redemption has been completed, 
I am He. 
I was found willing and ready
To wit that God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto Himself. 
I am He.
To whom the ministry of reconciliation has been committed, a co labourer with God, His workmanship, 
I am He.

And so are you, just make your mind, God is counting on you. 

So when you see the tears of man, 
Don't harden your heart.
And when you hear them cry; "who can help us?", 
Dont look for someone else, 
Just open up your heart, and say 
"Lord Jesus,  I AM HE"


  • May 20, 2018

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