Love Is Pain - Chapter 5
Read Count : 177
Category : Stories
Sub Category : Drama
Alisa reach at home alisa ring bell 🔔rina packed her things open at door 🏡and throw alisa things🛄 alisa realised something is wrong Alisa talk to rina🗣🗣 Alisa:what r u dng???🙄 Rina:pls stop it alisa i know everything about you include your new gf👭 Alisa:what r u talking??(alisa acting she dont know anything) Rina:quickly shut the door and keep silence Alisa call rina 📞but she switchoff her phone📴then alisa leaving her home Rina open the door 🏠 but alisa is not here she leaving 🙋rina is crying loudly at door 🏡😭😭 Day is going 📆📆 Alisa start her new life to her gf👭 Rina is graduate after finding job she got job and well settled also she start her new life 👩 but she cant forget alisa sometimes she think about her past 😭🙄 One day at office🏢 manager announced meeting hall 🖼at he announce new employee🙎 rina shocked 😱 because there new employee is alisa.Alisa also shocked 😱 alisa is not well alisa when see rina her face alisa is suddenly so dull 😟 Our new employee is obey to rina order and she annoyed. Alisa try to talk rina🗣🗣 but rina this is office time ⏰ do ur work only so alisa return her work 🏢whenever rina see alisa face is so dull she understand something is wrong her Rina birthday is here 🍰🍻🍹 So she decide to invite all alisa also Party at rina home🏡 everyone is here but not alisa is there rina is waiting at alisa Finally alisa is coming rina is so happy😃 but she hide her happy🤐 Rina talk to alisa🗣 (Asusual she is dull 😟) Rina:what happend ???🙄 Alisa:Nothing!😀 Rina:okk (she not interest to talk about so she not compell) How is ur Gf ??she is not here?? Alisa:she leave me 💃she find her new life. Rina:(she is happy because no one love still alisa)keep silent..... Alisa:and about u How is ur life?? Rina:Fn 😁 Alisa:can i ask u one question?🙄 Rina:(she thought what is ahe ask me?🤔)ohh sure😄 Alisa:Do u still love me????😑 What her reply??? ....... To be continued