Money Grubber
Read Count : 83
Category : Blogs
Sub Category : Politics
The Trump Crime Syndicate, led by Fake President, is being exposed on nearly a daily basis of its under the table financial transactions with foreign persons and governments. No presidential administration in our history has had anything like this occur. Never before has so much circumstantial evidence come out regarding multiple pay for play scenarios. Russians, Qataris, Ukrainians and Chinese have all seemingly provided laundered cash to the family members of the Trump Crime Syndicate. Hard to believe Fake President's true motive to become president was to make America great again. More like just a highly effective platform for the greatest money grab in our political history. This vile, amoral shit head needs to be taken down soon. Time is of the essence. The Republican Party must be held accountable for their complicity. May the Blue Wave drown them all in November for the sake of our country.
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