Category : Books-Non-Fiction
Sub Category : Reference
Chapter 3:First day isn't okay Freeze was having a great time with Luca as he slowly pushed his face farther into the ground. He then picked Luca up throw him across the yard. Students crowded in circles with their phones filming and posing. The tag #Lucadirteater spread the school and was known to all by noon. Snow and Yukawa walked in during the about 6th round of this and weren't disappointed. A small timidly white haired pale teacher with a brown cloak walked by Snow and Yukawa. Hey students he said quietly. Hey hey hey he continued doing it but he was to quiet. Snow was tired of watching him struggle finally she screamed HEY DIPSHITS SHUT THE F UP AND LISTEN TO THE MAN. The small man looked at Snow and smiled. In a small voice he said umm excuse me I need this roughhousing to stop now please. Every stood their like it was a comedy show and the comedian had just said the aren't you glad I didn't say banana joke. Well you heard the man move out Freeze said kicking Luca as he got up. Hold on young men I need to see you two the man said. Yukawa, Snow, Freeze, and Luca stood together in front of the small man. He cleared his throat uhmm he began. What was the meaning of this he said. Luca was first to respond I was attacked he said I didn't even fight him. Freeze gave him a glare and said my uncle the headmaster as you've probably been informed broke his ankle and it was broken from Luca magic. It wasn't my fault Luca said.Oh really than who's wand was it Freeze said. Mine but I meant to point the spell at Yukawa. You fought Yukawa the man said. Yukawa finally spoke up he was being himself and challenged me I declined but he insisted and I wasn't going to get beat up. Yukawa come to my office at 9:00. Snow nice to meet you I'm a teacher here your uncle told me about you. Freeze come to my office at 8:30 Luca go to the nurse and I'll follow you their. Yes sir we all said. I should check on uncle anyway I'll come with you two Snow said. Hey Snow I'm going back to uncle's house see you their. Ok Snow said oh and Yukawa would you be interested in giving me a tour at 8:00 I'll come by the boys dorm. Sure Yukawa replied and was off. Snow, The man, And Luca walked in silence for a bit then Snow broke it. So umm sir what is your name I didn't catch it snow said. You can't catch a name it's not a cold he said. Snow nervously laughed unsure if this was still part of his fake comedy act he didn't realize he was in. I'm joking Snow my names James Carbon. Oh well hello professor Carbon. Please call me professor C he said. They arrived at the nurse office and Snow automatically ran to her uncle's room. To her surprise Schuyler wasn't there. She knocked on the already open door hey uncle. Oh hi snow he said.How's it going snow said talking a seat.Well my leg doesn't hurt anymore I guess that's a plus.Can you move it.Maybe I don't want to try.Luca and Freeze fought hard and Luca lost bad.That statement gave Randolph joy because he laughed and then cried because it hurt to laugh.Oww he cried. Oh I'm sorry snow said. Don't be I need humor right now not even the first day 3 student's have gotten into fights I broke my ankle and I'm still emotionally unstable. Well that's never gonna change.I know he said.I'm surprised schuyler isn't here Snow said.Why would he be here.Why wouldn't he you two are all over each other.No were not.Don't pretend it's not their I see it.Their's nothing to see I don't like him like that.Uncle be honest. I am being honest.No you're not now spill. Ok fine I had feelings he said he loved me but didn't say how and we went on one date.You hooked up didn't you.What you're to young to know about that your in high school as of only today. You think i'm a virgin that's funny Snow said.You not Randolph said in a questioning voice.I'll tell you my hook up story if you tell me yours. I dont want to hear yours he said but I'm only telling you because you're annoying Randolph said. Ok it was the 4th date we were sitting at the table he did something cute and I said your adorable he laughed I looked him seriously in the eyes and said I love you so much Randolph said. Then he got uncomfortable and went to the bathroom. After the date we were walking home I put my arm around him and he seemed uncomfortable but disappointed when I took it off. Then randomly he said about what you said at dinner I feel the same way. By that time we were at my doorstep when he was saying goodbye he kissed my cheek then I grabbed him he pushed me on a chair and their was a lot of neck kisses. They also might have been a lap dance involved he said. Snow sat their speechless for a minute straight. Then finally she said THAT DOESN'T SOUND LIKE NOTHING OR NO FEELING. Snow be quiet Randolph said. Wait did you guys ever kiss. No he said. Your telling me that during a whole lap dance you didn't kiss once HOW Snow said! It's a lap dance not a tongue dance Randolph said. But sti- of whatever the hook isn't what makes lasting relationships what I really want to know is do you love him she said. I dont know maybe but he doesn't obviously say he loves me an-. Stop snow said interrupting I asked and I want the answer to are YOU I love with him. Yes he said. And he loves you snow said. You dont know that he said. Yes I see the look snow said. Suddenly large drops of water started outside and in Randolph's eyes. Uncle are you crying she said. Maybe he said I just I know I love him but I'm so scared and I don't want to admit it but I'll have to if I every want a chance and just he said between sobs. Shhh shhh it's ok Snow said. And proceed to hold her uncle for the next hour.
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