The Vamps And Madison Part 4
Read Count : 143
Category : Books-Fiction
Sub Category : Fantasy
Pls read part 1,2,and 3 first When madison woke up she realized it was thursday and her friend Ava was comeing over on friday so madison decided that she would have to sort things out with mark and tell him not to interrupt when Ava comes over. So madison got ready for school. When madison was in lunch she decided to sit with ava. Ava was all about the weekend she talked about getting nails done and makeing slime. Madison told ava that she had the best weekend planned. When madison got home she changed then went in the woods to go find the portal. When she did she found mark. Madison said," Mark im ready to learn how to fly or better make objects fly". Mark replied," u came"? Madison replied," yes but i need one two favors i want to learn one of my powers and u cant bother me this weekend specifically friday through sunday". Mark was puzzled then asked," why". Madison replied, "because i want to fly". Mark said," about the weekend". Madison replied,"Ava is comeing over and i dont want her to know about vamps". Mark said ok but at 12:00 am on saturday u have to come for traing". Madison replied," ok, but am i going to learn a power"? Mark replied,"try to boil that water". Madison replied," water ugg y cant i learn to fly". Mark said," u learn this then we might fly".so madiso went home and went to sleep
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