Swamp Fox Read Count : 182

Category : Blogs

Sub Category : Politics
The corrupt Trump Crime Syndicate has just swung a sweet 1/2 $Billion payoff from the Chinese government. Fake President has ordered the Commerce Department to lift their recenrly applied sanctions against Chinese telecom company, ZTE. These sanctions threatened 70,000 Chinese jobs. Fake President felt he needed to step-in to save them. This company was being denied access to U.S. made telecom components due to their spying on Americans, theft of U.S. intellectual property and cyber warfare against our institutions . It is so bad that ZTE mobile devices are not allowed on U.S. military bases for security reasons. No doubt, they are amongst the worst of bad actors and deserved to suffer these consequences. So Fake President lifts the sanctions and less than 72 hours later, Chinese President Xi commits to the half $ Billion payment into a Trump linked entertainment complex in Indonesia that is to feature a Trump owned golf course. The swamp is not being drained. It is only becoming focused on making Fake President money from these emolument violating "deals". When will this Republican led Congress call Fake President on his crimes? Never, it seems. We need a Democratic majority in at least the House so meaningful oversight investigations may finally proceed.


  • lets not 4get the millions of attacks he organises. ..

    May 15, 2018

  • May 16, 2018

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