My Brothers Wish??? Read Count : 64

Category : Blogs

Sub Category : LifeStyle
A few days ago my grandmother had told me my brother made a wish the day I turned 1. This was that the wish
"I wish when he gets older that he can fight for himself so no matter what no one can hurt him."
Because he is the one hurting me 
Guess that wish changed 
Or I dont know what his deal is.
Maybe he was afraid of losing attention he can bear sharing attention I know that because he does anything for attention. Wtf? 


  • It's a great start. Keep it up

    May 15, 2018

  • Thomas Hunter

    Thomas Hunter

    well i love hiw well you are able to express yourself. you did right by setting the stage and telling us why your story matters. you lost me at the end because you failed to establish how badly he is hirting you. all my sympathy faded and it became brothers will be brothers. if this is fiction you have excellent structural writing and need to develop building an emotional attachment to your readers. if this is a blog to complain about the hurt your brother causes you i suggest you and a parent talk about this in depth to find out what it is that he feels so disdainful about that he wishes you harm now. its possible he does not wish you harm but is maybe angry with another part of his life or a choice you have made has driven a wedge.

    May 15, 2018

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