Addiction Read Count : 162

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A
we all got demons I share of which  have overcome        

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Sip sip sip

Puff puff puff

Sip puff sip

Puff sip puff

seems all I'm allowed are sleepless nights

an increased appetite

a need to feast on impurities

helplessly watching my life slip away

Pain sinks her claws in deep

as I lose myself in the sips and puffs

sexual energy leaves me aroused

Makes me beg for more sips and puffs please

taste of nectar, sips hint of cherry I so love

Her bosom heaves, caresses my tongue causing salivation

puff puff

sip sip sip

More please

I need more

I need to get to heaven's door

my pain has reached pleasurable status

pleasure pain

enslaved to the sips and puffs

sip sip sip

puff puff puff

sniff snort slam

one thing led to another

puff sniff snort

hitting new highs floating in the clouds

a place with no one else around

slave to the snort puff slam

I'm living decay and don't care

slam sip puff

my world is solitary

stuck in fast forward

beware of the crash

puff puff sip sip

snort, snort, slam

death is the thing at  hand.       
 I share this one with the ones who understand sipping through the night blazing sniffing flying floating reaching higher heights. no knowing death and a messed up life keep sniffing, puffing sipping death will be close in sight.

 © copyright 2017 

Romaine Davy


  • This

    Aug 02, 2017

  • May 23, 2017

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