Samurai Tales#1 Read Count : 113

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Romance
The sun had barely been visible as it was just now rising."Another day of training...Not looking forward to this" A glum uninspired look had come over my face. Reaching for my sword placed above my bed I notice a dark figure sitting in the corner of my room.

"What the.....hell?" With a blink of An I the figure is hovering over me. Reacting off of instinct I elbow the intruder along with an arm drag. "Who are you.......why are you here?"As i interrogate the intruder a small chuckle is heard.

"Wow you are talented,I honestly didn't believe you were as skilled as everyone said" Those words are followed by a seductive chuckle. "Answer my question,Now!" "Relax seems bad now but I'm actually an ally you may need. My name is Lynn sasuke" I let her go

 finally as I feel uneasy. "She slowly gets up as she whips her long black hair. She then faces me. My eyes vaguely widened as I may have just found feelings. "Stop gauging have you never seen a women before?" She snickers.  "I-i have...its nothing " Her lushes lips and beautiful complexion caught me in awe.


  • love it already😋

    May 16, 2018

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