Little Did I Know (Part 5) Read Count : 143

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Romance
I had the worst day at school today I found out Jake has a girlfriend,her name is Sarah and I've known her since pre-k and she hates my guts. When she saw me staring at Jake she give me the stink eye and I gave it back to her. Ugh.....I literally just want to die in a hole. Once I told Ivy & Melissa they told me not to worry about it,but I'm not going to give up on him. Me and Ivy went to the beach while Melissa went home and guess who was at the beach.....Of course Jake,but no only him but Sarah! Whoopte Doo,Ivy "accidentally bumped into Sarah" and she fell face first into the sand. About 20 mins later I went in the did Jake. We started talking and the next thing I know he invites me to come study with him! I was so excited and I just can't wait. I'll right more later, I need to get home. BYEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! ~Tess

How did u like it? Will Sarah keep getting on Tess's nerves? Will Jake and Sarah break up? Find out in the upcoming chapters of Little Did I Know. Alright BYEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! ~Tess


  • Tess Doty

    Tess Doty

    Thanks ya"ll

    May 23, 2017

  • May 23, 2017

  • May 23, 2017

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