Gastroschisis Birth Defect Of The Abdominal Wall
Read Count : 124
Category : Books-Non-Fiction
Sub Category : Science
Hello I'm Katherine and I am writing about the condition that I was born with called gastroschisis pronounced gas-troh-skee-sis Is the birth defect of the abdominal wall it is when a infant is born with his/her intestines on the outside of their body. Doctors at the hospital place the intestines in a silo (a tube thing that looks like a plastic bag that hangs up) and they use the silo to place the intestines back in the baby's body, after they sometimes can place the skin back and it grows back together (that's what they did for me) but other times they will have to stitch the skin back together. Nobody completely knows what the cause of gastroschisis is but they found out that smoking or drinking alcohol while pregnant can cause gastroschisis in the baby but when my mother was pregnant with me she didn't smoke or drink. Infants with gastroschisis can have consuming problems (eating/drinking) but as they get older they are most likely to be okay. People born with gastroschisis have the exact same lifespan as a person born ordinarily. Survival rates- The incidence of gastroschisisis is 4-5/10000[1]. It can occur isolated or associated with other congenital anomalies. The survival rate of gastroschisis cases is over90% in the literature due to developments in antenatal care, neonatal intensive care and total parenteral nutrition (TPN)[2]. Gastroschisis is not very common so it doesent happen verry often so you probably won't see a baby with gastroschisis but you never know there's a small chance that you might even have a baby with gastroschisis, well other than me I don't know anybody that was born with gastroschisis! If anybody tells you that gastroschisis and omphalocele are the same thing they are 100% WRONG gastroschisis is when the baby's intestines escape through a hole that forms in the womb near the belly button and omphalocele is when the baby's intestines go inside of the inimical cord while the baby is still in the womb they are both conditions that need surgery immediately but they are different. Also I said a part in that last sentience that I haven't mentioned yet the part that says conditions that need surgery immediately, yes gastroschisis does need medical attention immediately or the baby could die (which would be a shame) so the doctors have to work on getting the intestines back in the baby as soon as the baby is born, the way that the doctors know the baby's intestines are outside of the baby's body before their born you'll find out right here while the doctors are doing an ultrasound before the baby is born the doctor can see near the middle that the intestines are out so they can be prepared for surgery as soon as the baby is born. After surgery- After surgery the baby goes in a incubator for awhile with a tube in their nose and normally a nutieince tube near their neck in their shoulder but for me it was in my upper leg and now I have a scar there.I didn't get to list all the info that I have about gastroschisis but now you know what it is. I put some details about me in there so this is the end now. :) :) :)