Thank You Read Count : 57

Category : Diary/Journal

Sub Category : N/A
Thank you

This is a letter of thanks to my mother and stepfather. I want to thank you for everything bad you have done to me. All of that did not break me and made me a much stronger person. Watching you as I grew up and after I had Caleb. I realized that God gave me the strength not to fall like you both and fall into the drug scene. Many times, did my doctor offer me oxys for my back pain and every time I refused. Why might you ask would I refuse those when I know you would have stole them from me and either sold them or shot them up. Being a mother taught me that what you were doing as parents and grandparents were wrong. I am sad that I do not have Caleb anymore, but I know that he is in a better place with loving parents and grandparents. Grandparents that do not lock themselves in their room so they can shoot up, and where they will take him anytime his parents want to go out and have a good time and I feel safe in knowing that he is safe and sound and very happy.

By: Sarah Dahle



  • May 23, 2017

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