To Existence
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Category : Articles
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Well basically, I don't believe in God or an afterlife. I think our existence, which is about 80 years, on this planet is a fraction of a fraction of a millisecond, compared to the life age of the Earth & The Sun. We have the blink of an eye to try and make sense of our surroundings and even to go a little deeper and understand ourselves. I don't believe I'm immortal, I'm not going to live forever. There is no one coming to save me, at my last breath. Why do you do anything on this planet that will make your obnoxiously short time in this reality more miserable? It's a miserable existence that something as complex as a human being gets to live for 80 years, on average...half of which we spend sleeping anyway. Do you want to live authentically? Do you want to dream? Machines that we've built will outlive us. Re-think your life & your actions. What will you be remembered for?