Story Of Fergie Season 1 Part 1 Read Count : 114

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Fantasy
Hello I am fergie 14 years old I have a pretty life with my 2 best friends and housemates. It begins when christy's birthday comes soon....
I thought lets ask what christy wants for her birthday.

Fergie: christy, do you have any idea's for a present for your own present?
Christy: why would I ? My birthday is over a week
Fergie: yeah that is why i am ask you now what you want so that I have the presents on time.
Christy: chose something yourself.
Fergie: why? It is your birthday you need to ask things
Christy: I want to be suprised.
Fergie: oke, I find out something but it is no suprise party you has that already last year.
Christy: oke.

On the room of candy....
Fergie: hey candy
Candy: hey fergie 
Fergie: about chrisry's birthday, she wants a suprise but if we do a suprise party again it isn't a suprise party anymore.
Candy: yes that is true maybe we need to organise a sleeping party with all of or friends?
Fergie: yes, that is a good idea.


  • May 14, 2018

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