Mental Midget Read Count : 141

Category : Blogs

Sub Category : Politics
I watched Trey Goudy's R-SC questioning of ex-CIA Director John Brennan today during the Russia-Trump collusion investigation. It was strange, to say the least. Goudy seemed most interested in posing "trap" questions that would provide cover for Fake President rather than probe for the depth and reach of this cyber scandal. 

I remember Goudy being quite aggressive in digging deeply into Secretary of State Clinton's Benghazi investigation. Why the 180 degree change in his approach? Oh yea, Clinton is a Democrat. Too bad inbred Goudy can't separate his ridiculous party politics grab-assing from issues of National Security. He and those like him put our nation at risk everday they they fill a seat in Congress. I live in South Carolina and he shames me. Wish I lived in his district so I could vote him out.


  • Nancy Beth

    Nancy Beth

    well said and spot on. What is wrong with these neanderthals?

    May 23, 2017

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