The Vamp And Madison Part 1 Read Count : 137

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Fantasy
A long time ago a girl named madison was born she had short thin blonde hair. One night on her 15 birthday she went for a walk in the dark. Fealing as someone was watching her she tried to go home but soundly was swooped up in the air by something it took her deep in the woods then opend a portal and took her in with it.when they got threw the portal the thing set her down stuck with fear she did not move but standing front of her a boy looked to be her age he stoped and stared at her then smile then she seen his fangs she screamed he coverd her mouth with his hands and said sh dont scream i wont hurt you an then he uncoverd her mouth he said follow me so not knowing what to do she followed him they got a big house made of trees he told her she was there for a reason he told her about the land and city with all the other vampires and how there were bad vamps that had tried to hert her many times but never got to and how madison was also a vamp when madison herd this she called him crazy he replied u just seen a vamp and u went threw a portal isn't that proof that your a vamp and im not as crazy as u think 


  • May 14, 2018

  • Madison Deloys

    Madison Deloys

    pls excues the puncation im only 11 in 5 th grade

    May 15, 2018

  • punctuation is crucial.

    May 14, 2018

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