The Man Of Life: Around Africa In 2018 Read Count : 107

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Science Fiction
Chapter 1: being of super hero 
In 2004 he born In Cameroon afterthat he Change alot like his English and the best way for him to be in the army with his brother and his family, his mother work in the bank and store such information for your help and I support my family and friends from high school, I remember when get fight against child I cry for the first time, and the best way for me to help people Like poor people. I remember love play football they call American soccer, I play  football team before, I play 5 year in  high school and work with the police before. Act 3 movie in past in 2012 and 2013, 2018. What year play football? In 2011 and 2012, and 2013, 2014, 2015. The only way I see different types of things in my life, I read book in past, I write story about superhero and I find my power is help life to stop the war. How years you been in army ? I been 5 year again before is hard work and heavy weapon to hold it, some time go three jobs in one year, my first job is to go to store, and second job is in the army and third job is to work in company call Super hero station. I will see you in Facebook page. My first friend is name is giraffe. My another friend named Yusuf,  he from Syria, his mother work with my mother, giraffe, he works with me, my first adventure in Cameroon  go to the  jungle after that change a lot, people say that jungle is not Safe, the bad guys and more different people like crime. And the Empire of king of Africa the bad guys or crime, the leader of the empire of king of Africa his name mr. Africa guy and he works with army from Cameroon, he being army 3 year in the past. He work with  2 company, they company call mafia state, the second company is call empire of army. 
The king of Africa he send to Cameroon army to bank, my idea to fight the empire of army, but I think the best way to fight both 2 groups. My mission is to help batman and superman in Africa, the next day come in mission for two groups in city call black eye city, this for Mr. Africa guy and his two army, his family. I will see next time. I see next chapter 2. End of the chapter. By sidahmed the writer in 2018



  • this my story

    May 18, 2018

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